Late snow impacts; winter weather prep begins

A lot of businesses are getting ready for the incoming snow, but the timing is a challenge.

After a nice stretch of spring-like weather, landscapers said they have yet again pulled out their winter equipment, hoping this will be the last time.

It’s quiet, but that isn’t going to last.

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"It is calm… now," said Dorshak Tree Specialists operations manager Ericka Everett. "Going into grind mode, we had to get it done."

Crews at Dorshak Tree Specialists are getting ready for Friday's snow. They had already switched into spring mode. So this week, mechanics worked to move everything back to winter equipment.

"Over loaders that we’re using for our tree and landscaping now, those are having to go back to the snow sites," Everett said.

Over at Villani Landshapers, they’re also changing over their spring equipment back to snow removal. This includes putting snow plows back on their trucks and making sure their salters and other winter equipment works.

"We’re like, well, let’s get everything back on, let’s see what we got to do," said  fleet manager Rob Linder.

The lack of winter weather also left a shortfall in staff.

"Probably the biggest challenge is finding the guys again, bringing them back in," he said.

But it's something both companies say they are used to.

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"It’s Wisconsin, wait five minutes, it’ll change," Linder said.

Because as the seasons change back and forth, the attitude remains the same.

""It wouldn’t be Wisconsin without snow in March," Everett said.

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