"Law and order will prevail in Milwaukee County:" City leaders prepare for more protests

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“Law and order will prevail in Milwaukee County:” City leaders prepare for more protests

"Law and order will prevail in Milwaukee County:" City leaders prepare for more protests

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- As protesters meet to discuss future demonstrations, city leaders are preparing for the worst.

The National Guard is on stand-by in case things get out of hand.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke made the request this weekend to have the National Guard on stand-by. Their use has also been approved by Governor Scott Walker.

But some state leaders are questioning that move.

Frustrated there's been no charging decision against former Milwaukee Police Officer, Christopher Manney, for killing Dontre Hamilton -- protesters are planning their next move.

"It's my understanding that there is a direct action group meeting right now to possibly plan further disruptions," said Milwaukee Police Chief, Ed Flynn.

After blocking traffic on I-43 Friday night, 73 adults and 1 juvenile were arrested. They remained at the jail overnight, and so did the protesters outside.

Law enforcement agencies are anticipating another wave of demonstrations this week.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke says the National Guard is on stand-by just in case crowds get out of control

"Let me say in as unambiguous terms as I can, law and order will prevail in Milwaukee County," said Clarke.

Clarke made the request this weekend with Governor Walker's authorization. Clarke's decision has so far been met with skepticism by some local leaders.

"There hasn't been any reason to believe that violence is going to erupt," said Democratic State Representative Mandela Barnes.

Barnes says he disagrees with how the situation was handled on Friday.

"I don't think that people should have been taken to jail," said Barnes.

And thinks the prolonged decision is the real harm.

"The longer you draw it out, the more conversations are being had and more attention that is being brought to the issue," said Barnes.

On Saturday, Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn said he doesn't anticipate a need for the National Guard in within his jurisdiction.

"We don't have a mission for them. We don't anticipate using them for city assets, but we recognize there may be county assets that need protection," said Flynn.

Representative Barnes says his father was one of the protesters out on Friday night -- but he did not get arrested.

He says the use of the National Guard is "unnecessary" and he hopes a decision will be released soon.