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Leon Love (2-15-13)
Leon Love (2-15-13)
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- U.S. Marshals are looking for 44 year-old Leon Love -- a man who was supposed to be living in a halfway house in Milwaukee, but is instead living life on the run.
Deputy U.S. Marshal Brian Nodes says Marshals arrested Love on a probation violation last fall.
Love was accused of an armed bank robbery back in 1992. He spent time in two super maximum security prisons, including the same one as Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and Unabomber Ted Kaczynski -- a notorious lockup in Florence, Colorado -- called by some the Alcatraz of the Rockies.
"That's pretty much where they put all the worst of the worst," Nodes said.
Marshals say Love's criminal history dates back to the 1980s -- spanning accusations of sexual assault to burglary and robbery.
Officials describe Love as 6'3" tall and weighing about 250 pounds. Officials say he could be hiding out on Milwaukee's north side, in Oshkosh or it Atlanta, Georgia.
If you've seen him, U.S. Marshals want to hear from you at (414) 297-3707.