Local company working to keep the elderly safe from falls

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Winter is right around the corner, and with it, comes snow and ice -- things that can be hazardous for the elderly, who can be prone to falling incidents. A Milwaukee company is looking to help keep elderly people from falling -- identifying danger zones and focusing on fall prevention awareness.

82-year-old Bert Maudie suffers from Parkinson's Disease and has eye issues which impede his mobility. He is more than thankful for services Synergy HomeCare provides.

As a veteran wounded in Korea, he still harbors fears of being injured.

"I'm afraid to fall down. I dream I fall a lot in the night time. I get scared and I'm afraid to go to sleep," Maudie said.

For Maudie and other older adults, it is comforting knowing people like Ruth Busalacchi are looking out for their safety. Busalacchi's agency goes into the homes of senior citizens and tries to prevent injuries.

"Statistics show that one in three seniors will fall every year and apparently the number one cause for hospitalization for individuals over 65 is related to a fall and an injury as a result of that," Busalacchi said.

Busalacchi conducts free fall and safety assessments and identifies potential hazards.

"Some individuals like to put railings on the side of the house, side of the wall to prevent them from falling," Busalacchi said.

Busalacchi says the bathroom can be the most dangerous room in the house.

Busalacchi does things like re-positioning furniture to placing night lights throughout the home.

Busalacchi's agency says it sees more falls during Fall and winter as people get weaker and sicker during flu season -- and as folks travel to unfamiliar homes for the holidays.

CLICK HERE for additional information on Synergy HomeCare.