Looking for a job? Milwaukee is hiring | FOX6 Milwaukee

Looking for a job? Milwaukee is hiring

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- There are jobs in Milwaukee, and employers anxious to fill them -- all you have to do is look for them.

The Northwestern Mutual Life building going up downtown might be a place to start. A $450 million development will demand workers from Milwaukee.

"The city is contributing nearly $55 million toward that project. Of which the company has agreed to hire Milwaukee residents for 40% of the work hours on construction sites," said Milwaukee Common Council President, Michael Murphy.

That's why a jobs fair is underway at the Washington Park Senior Center at 4420 West Vliet Street.

Alderman Michael Murphy says many in the trades industries are getting older and retiring, leaving a real vacuum -- and an opening for people especially African American men who are among the highest unemployed to take advantage of the opportunity.

"This is an opportunity to get into an industry where you can make up to $100,000 a year. Now it take a lot of education and training and skill," Murphy said.

The job fair provides information on training and access to trade apprenticeship opportunities -- and resources to addressing barriers to employment.

On Thursday, October 23rd, there is another jobs opportunity at Serb Hall on Oklahoma Avenue. The premiere hiring event will feature 75 employers from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., hoping for a thousand job seekers because there are that many jobs to be filled.

But unlike this job fair, you must pre-screen for Thursday's event by going to 1 of 7 pre-screening locations with your resume, fill out a form, and get a VIP pass for Thursday's event. This all needs to be done prior to Thursday.

"By filling out this resume ahead of time, you're going to know more likely what jobs are going to suit your skills and the employers will know who they can talk to. So we're trying to make it more efficient," said Milwaukee Mayor, Tom Barrett.

Industries at Thursday's hiring event including the trades, as well as manufacturing, healthcare, IT, transportation, customer service and sales. CLICK HERE for more.

Monday's event at the Washington Park Senior Center ends at 8:00 p.m. So you don't have a lot of time, but you have time. Don't forget to dress to succeed.