Lots of enthusiasm on both sides of the aisle on the eve of the election

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Lots of enthusiasm on both sides of the aisle on the eve of the election; volunteers mobilizing voters

Lots of enthusiasm on both sides of the aisle on the eve of the election; volunteers mobilizing voters

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Volunteers on both sides of the aisle were hard at work on Monday, November 3rd -- the eve of the General Election. It was a last-minute effort to drum up support before voters head to the polls starting Tuesday, November 4th at 7:00 a.m.

On Silver Spring Drive in Glendale, the Democratic and Republican field offices are housed in the same building, and volunteers for both camps say their supporters can feel the excitement nearing its peak with just hours to go until voters head to the polls.

"With the enthusiasm -- people coming in, calling. 'What can I do? Can I become a part of this?'" Democratic Party organizer Eilene Stevens said.

"I think we have a definite advantage on the ground game. It's all positive. We're hearing great things from the voters, and if Milwaukee is any indication, we're gonna have a great day (Tuesday)," Republican Southeast Regional Field Director Chris Martin said.

Martin says while volunteers are going door-to-door to get out the vote, there's a strong focus on reaching out to voters via telephone.

"We're talking to everybody, but we're really targeting our supporters that we know turn out on Election Day," Martin said.

Meanwhile, Stevens says for the Democrats, Monday's effort involved heading to potential voters' homes.

"It is the day that we hang on every Democrats' door the notice of where they vote and the hours that they can vote -- and that's vital," Stevens said.

Stevens says the volunteer turnout has been extraordinarily high headed into this election, adding that there are both familiar faces and newcomers working to get out the vote.

"I'd say 70% of them are people we know, but it's bringing in a lot of new people," Stevens said.

Martin says the number of volunteers working for the Republicans in this General Election continues to grow.

"We expect to have about 40 people so far (Monday). I wouldn't be surprised if it got up to a hundred in this office," Martin said.

Leaders of both parties say they plan on working to mobilize voters through Tuesday.

The polls open at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday, and close at 8:00 p.m.

Voter tools available online, courtesy of the Government Accountability Board: