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Volunteers make a difference for the elderly
Volunteers make a difference for the elderly
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Thousands of volunteers participated in Make a Difference Day on Saturday, November 2nd by helping older adults prepare their homes for the approaching winter season.
During the event participants raked, picked up garbage, cleaned windows and performed other needed tasks.
"I couldn't live without people that are willing to help," said 90-year-old Rosemary. "I have one air conditioner that needs to get covered -- everything I need to get done needs a ladder or something."
Mardi Charnitz with Interfaith Older Adult Programs says one-third of all older adults live alone and need assistance transitioning into the cold weather season.
"Most older adults want to stay in their own homes but they can't do these kinds of chores, that's what is so difficult. That is why this is such a big day," said Charnitz.
Volunteers say their efforts are just as rewarding for them as they are for those in need.
"It's nice to get a chance to come meet her and make sure that she's safe and that things are getting done and she's living in a safe environment," said Marquette student Katie Fuller. "I hope it gets the word out that everyone needs help."
Organizers hope the annual event serves as a reminder to everyone to look out for their elderly neighbors.
"In the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world," said Charnitz. "These older adults are so grateful."
Make a Difference Day is a collaboration between the Volunteer Center of Greater Milwaukee and Interfaith Older Adult Programs.
Volunteers will be needed in the coming months to help shovel snow. CLICK HERE if you are interested in donating your time.