Man arrested for disorderly conduct threatens to cut off girlfriend's head and place it on stick
SHEBOYGAN COUNTY -- A man who once spent time in prison for drinking teenage blood is in trouble again. 57-year-old Phillip Buck was placed under arrest for disorderly conduct and according to a complaint, he threatened to kill his girlfriend by cutting off her head and placing it on a stick.

Phillip Buck
It all started on late Tuesday night, December 9th when the Sheboygan County Sheriff's Department was called to a residence located on State Highway 28 in regards to a disturbance.
Upon arrival, officials met with Buck's mother and girlfriend, while Buck was in the upstairs of the home.
According to a criminal complaint, Buck's girlfriend told a deputy she is currently going through a divorce and is still living with her ex-husband. She indicated that her ex-husband had walked in on her while she was taking a bath and when she told Buck it made him angry.
In the complaint, Buck accused his girlfriend of cheating on him with her ex-husband and "flipped out." Buck's girlfriend told authorities she tried to calm him down but he grabbed her overnight bag and began throwing the items in it all over the room.
According to the complaint, Buck's girlfriend believed he had been drinking and specifically drank, "an entire bottle of wine and half a bottle of Southern Comfort," which is why the situation was exacerbated.
Both Buck's girlfriend and mother confirmed to deputies that Buck's drinking had gotten much worse in the past month and often times his mother would lock herself in her room so Buck would think she is sleeping. Buck's mother told deputies, "If (Buck) doesn't see her, it sometimes helps to keep him calmer."
Officials made contact with Buck and according to the complaint, he told authorities about how much stress his girlfriend has in her life and how abusive her ex-husband is to her and that he, "can't stand to see her being treated like this." Buck then admitted to trashing the bedroom and smashing some items "because he was angry."
According to the complaint, deputies at the scene decided to arrest Buck for disorderly conduct and domestic abuse.
When police attempted to place Buck under arrest, he immediately became upset and uncooperative. Officers had to lift him off of the bed and escort him downstairs.
Authorities stated when Buck reached the bottom of the stairs and saw his girlfriend, he lunged towards her and began screaming derogatory terms at her.
Once in the back of the deputies squad, Buck continued to scream profanities -- "claiming he did nothing wrong and that it was (his girlfriend's) fault."
According to the criminal complaint, while on the way to the detention center, Buck made threats toward his mother and his girlfriend. Buck stated that as soon as he was released from jail, he would return and kill them.
In the complaint, Buck also stated that he was going to "blow his brains out" and was going to cut off his girlfriend's head and place it on a stick in front of his mother's house.
Phillip Buck now faces one count of disorderly conduct.
This is not the first time Buck has been in trouble with the law. Back in 1999, Buck was accused of enticing young girls and drinking their blood -- he was convicted of having sex with a minor and harming three other girls.