Man arrested for second OWI after sideswiping deputy's squad

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee County Sheriff's officials say a drunk driver sideswiped a deputy's unmarked squad on Lincoln Memorial Drive on Thursday, June 28th just before 8:00 p.m.
Officials say 29-year-old Josue Aldape showed signs of intoxication and blew a .23 -- almost three times the legal limit.
Aldape reportedly told the deputy he had consumed four beers.
Deputies found open intoxicants in Aldape's vehicle and two female passengers (both underage -- aged 18 and 20) who admitted drinking alcohol in the vehicle. The passengers were cited for underage drinking.
Aldape was arrested on charges of second OWI. His previous OWI offense occurred in February, 2012.
Aldape faces up to six months in jail if convicted.