Man who abducted Jayme Closs, shot her parents moved to New Mexico | FOX6 Milwaukee

Man who abducted Jayme Closs, shot her parents moved to New Mexico

MADISON — The man who kidnapped Jayme Closs and killed her parents in northern Wisconsin has been moved to a prison in New Mexico.

Press-Gazette Media reports the New Mexico Corrections Department has confirmed Jake Patterson has been transferred to one of its prisons from Dodge Correctional Institution in Waupun.

Wisconsin corrections officials recommended Patterson be sent to an out-of-state facility due to security concerns because of his case's notoriety. Patterson was moved July 15 but Wisconsin Department of Corrections officials refused to say where he was moved and removed him from its online inmate locator.

A judge sentenced Patterson to life in May for shooting James and Denise Closs in their Barron home and holding 13-year-old Jayme captive for 88 days.

Patterson doesn't appear on the Wisconsin sex offender registry even though the judge ordered him added. Wisconsin officials said Thursday they're working on posting his name. Patterson is listed on the national registry.