Marquette University's Kappa Sigma Xi-Xi fraternity takes a stand against sexual assault: "It is a problem"

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Marquette University`s Kappa Sigma Xi-Xi fraternity takes a stand against sexual assault: “It is a problem”

Marquette University`s Kappa Sigma Xi-Xi fraternity takes a stand against sexual assault: "It is a problem"

MILWAUKEE -- Taking a stand against sexual assault. A national campaign has picked up momentum on college campuses here in Milwaukee, after a project was done by Marquette University students.

Gilberto Vaquero

"The campaign is focused mostly on 'why are you doing this?'" Gilberto Vaquero said.

Vaquero, a senior at MU, started the Kappa Sigma Xi-Xi"It's on Us" project in Milwaukee.

"A national campaign Washington, D.C. started with trying to prevent rape on campuses and stuff like that because it is a problem," Vaquero said.

Vaquero shared photos with FOX6 News showing his fraternity brothers standing behind this cause.

"Approximately 34-38 brothers did it," Vaquero said.

Kappa Sigma Xi-Xi

It is reported that one in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted in college.

Vaquero says his initiative began with a desire to take a stand against the crime, and a desire to help dispel the stereotype that sometimes associates sexual assault with Greek life.

"It was very important for me to show that fraternities really shouldn't be associated with sexual assault and to show people that not everyone is like that," Vaquero said.

Members of the Kappa Sigma Xi-Xi fraternity have taken a pledge, promising they want be bystanders to this problem, but instead, part of the solution.

It's On Us pledge

"If you see something -- that you are going to provide a safe environment for everyone," Vaquero said.

Phil Batzner

"There are people stepping up and wanting to take action," Phil Batzner said.

Batzner, an MU senior, says he's thankful word is spreading about this effort.

"It`s enough to sort of spark a conversation. It`s not an easy topic to talk about -- not something easy to work through. It's taking a step in the right direction," Batzner said.

These MU students are using the core values of their fraternity and its members to facilitate change.

"It`s always s about being the difference and setting the standard," Vaquero said.

Kappa Sigma Xi-Xi

Through Facebook, Kappa Sigma Xi-Xi's pledge has about 750 shares, and has reached about 20,000 people.

If you'd like to take the pledge, CLICK HERE.