Mason Crosby's sister-in-law to share her battle with cancer at Lombardi Golf Classic | FOX6 Milwaukee

Mason Crosby's sister-in-law to share her battle with cancer at Lombardi Golf Classic

Brittany Crosby, Mason Crosby's sister-in-law

MILWAUKEE -- Friday, June 8 marks the beginning of the annual Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation's June Golf Classic weekend. Mason Crosby has been a big part of the tradition for the past five years-- but now, he has a very personal connection to the cause.

His sister-in-law Brittany Crosby has terminal stage four ovarian cancer.

Traditional treatments aren't working, so she's relying on experimental treatments. But despite it all, she's doing her best to lead a positive life.

"My mantra throughout this whole thing has been 'I will not let this steal my joy, ever. Cancer takes too much already, why let it take more?'," Brittany said.



Brittany will speak at the cancer foundation's gala Friday night, June 8. She'll find out if her experimental treatments are working on Monday, June 11.

You can find more information on the Lombardi Golf Classic weekend here.