"Maybe we can have peace in the cities that we live in:" Protesters march downtown for Dontre

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“Maybe we can have peace in the cities that we live in:” Protesters march downtown for Dontre

"Maybe we can have peace in the cities that we live in:" Protesters march downtown for Dontre

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Protesters again rallied in Red Arrow Park Saturday afternoon -- and this time, they added the muscle of some well-known civil rights advocates.

Members of Dontre Hamilton's family joined local protesters and the NAACP to march around the city, in hopes of telling Milwaukee's leaders that enough is enough.

Peaceful protests and chants for justice mask the agony and frustration felt by the family of Dontre Hamilton.

"Do something Mayor Barrett, do something. I shouldn't have to wait 7 1/2 months to find out if the man that put 14 bullets in my son is going to jail," said Maria Hamilton, Dontre's mother.

Dontre Hamilton was shot by Milwaukee Police Officer Christopher Manney in Red Arrow Park last April. He died from the incident.

Officer Manney has since been fired from the police force for how he handled the situation that day. Hamilton's family wants Manney criminally charged in the death.

"We really want people to understand holding the officer accountable is going to change the police structure, is going to change the attitudes of officers when breaking constitutional rights of individuals within our community," said Nate Hamilton, Dontre's brother.

On Saturday, a crowd of 50 or so people rallied in Red Arrow Park and marched around the city hoping to draw attention to Dontre's story and others. This time, the Hamilton family was joined by members of the NAACP and other well-known rights groups.

"We feel like if we can get with these groups and we can come together and focus on things and put real collective energy towards what we see our city to look like and view it as, then I think it's possible especially if these leaders say hey we're tired, enough is enough," said Nate Hamilton.

Dontre's mother says even people who didn't know him are passionate about this cause. They all want to see more accountability when a life is lost.

"The justice department, our government, all of them need to start holding these people accountable for the lives that they're taking and maybe we can have peace in the cities that we live in," said Maria Hamilton.

Another protest is scheduled for tomorrow at 2 p.m. The group plans to join forces with Micah, some of Milwaukee's leaders in the religious community.