Medical Examiner: Three-month-old baby co-sleeping death
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office has released its report on a three-month-old baby boy who died over the weekend -- reportedly as a result of a co-sleeping incident.
The Medical Examiner's report says the baby was found dead on an adult bed, and says an adult had been sharing that bed with the baby.
The Medical Examiner's report says the baby's mother was staying with a friend in the 4200 block of N. 27th Street. The mother's friend told investigators the baby's mother was planning on moving into the residence, and said she had helped the baby's mother move baby supplies into the apartment. The mother's friend told investigators the baby's mother could not move an infant bed into the apartment because she does not drive.
On the night of the baby's death, the report indicates the baby's mother was not feeling well, and slept on an air mattress in the living room. The mother's friend had reportedly placed the infant on the adult bed with a blanket before going to bed for the night.
The report says the baby's mother's friend said she had woken up around 5:30 in the morning to change her son, who was sleeping in a Pack 'n Play at the foot of her bed. At that point, she said she glanced over and saw her friend's baby laying face down on the adult bed. The report says she began CPR, and alerted the baby's mother -- who exited the apartment to seek help.
The baby's mother's friend told investigators she was a daycare teacher and had just learned CPR.
The Medical Examiner's report says the baby's mother's friend had advised the baby's mother to place the infant on its back in the bed, but the baby's mother insisted on placing him in the bed, face down -- saying he would not sleep on his back.
The baby's mother denied using drugs the night the baby died, but said she had one Margarita type of drink earlier that night.
The Medical Examiner's report says the baby's mother was inconsolable at the scene.