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Menasha shooting: Officials release 911 calls related to incident at Trestle Trail Bridge
Menasha shooting: Officials release 911 calls related to incident at Trestle Trail Bridge
MENASHA (WITI) -- The Winnebago County Sheriff's Office released on Tuesday, May 5th the 911 calls associated with the shooting at the Trestle Trail Bridge in Menasha on Sunday evening.
Sergio Daniel Valencia del Toro
Officials say 27-year-old Sergio Daniel Valencia del Toro was upset about relationship issues with his girlfriend. He rode his bike to the Trestle Trail Bridge armed with two guns -- and randomly fired shots at people “unprovoked and at close range.” Officials say del Toro then turned the weapons on himself. Both weapons were recovered.
The victims in this shooting are identified by officials as:
Here are the 911 calls released by Winnebago County officials on Tuesday:
Betsy Rozelle wasn't one of those who called 911 on Sunday evening because she says she thought what she was hearing were fireworks.
"Boom, boom, boom, boom. They were consecutive shots," Rozelle said.
Moments later, she says she saw a police car and a small gathering near the bike racks. Rozelle took out her phone -- not really knowing at the time what she was capturing.
"I heard one of the rescue personnel say 'she has three holes in her.' That's when I knew this was somebody shooting," Rozelle said.
Rozelle now knows she has video showing Erin Stoffel being treated by paramedics who understood they were potentially putting themselves in harm's way in order to save her life.
Jonathan Stoffel and Olivia Stoffel
Stoffel's husband and 11-year-old daughter had already been shot and killed -- along with 31-year-old Adam Bentdahl.
"It wasn't until (Monday) that it really sunk in. This woman is going to have to bury her husband and her daughter, and that's so heartbreaking. And Adam's family -- they're having to bury a son," Rozelle said.
Hospital officials said Tuesday Erin Stoffel has been upgraded to serious condition. She was shot three times -- but she managed to get herself and two of her children off the bridge and to safety. Officials called her actions in the midst of this horrific tragedy "heroic."
Rozelle says now when she visits Fritse Park, it's impossible not to think of the Stoffel and Bentdahl families.
"That`s what the victims were doing. They were enjoying this beautiful place, and we`ll continue to do that," Rozelle said.
Jonathan Stoffel and Erin Stoffel
"People should come back. They should come back and reclaim the site for themselves and for the good of the community," Town of Menasha Parks and Recreation Director Mike Kading said.
FOX6 News spoke with folks who know the Stoffel family. They are devastated over the loss of Jonathan and his young daughter Olivia.
"He didn't have any enemies. He was a friend to all," Ben Jenkins said.
Jim Campbell is Erin Stoffel's brother. He told the Associated Press Jonathan Stoffel loved the outdoors and the family enjoyed fishing, camping and hiking together. He described Olivia as very smart, saying she loved to observe nature.
Tommy Bongers says he's Jonathan Stoffel's second cousin.
"I got a phone call saying that it was Jon, and his daughter and his wife. It's not quite sunk in. Jon was the guy that would give the shirt off his back to anybody. If somebody was doing something, he would be the first guy there," Bongers said.
A prayer was held for the family at the family's church Monday. More than 100 people gathered Monday at Calvary Bible Church in Neenah. Olivia Stoffel attended fifth grade at the Fox Valley Christian Academy attached to the church.
"We are very sad, yet we know that Olivia and Jon are with the Lord. All their children were a joy -- smiles, bubbly, very active. Just tremendous children -- all three of them. When you look at them, they just make you smile," Ron Halma, principal at Fox Valley Christian Academy said.
"I'm here today because Jonathan was to be the best man at my daughter`s wedding 10 days from now -- and his wife, who is intensive care, she was also going to be in the wedding. They are just so sweet. He was so good with his kids. They are just wonderful, wonderful people," Jane Frey said.
Authorities say Erin and her other two children are still alive as a result of her heroic actions Sunday night.
Stoffel children
"You can never underestimate the power of a mother to protect her children -- to have three gunshot wounds -- to be able to get off that bridge, save two of your children is incredible," Dr. Georgen said.
"It does speak well to Erin's character. It does. They were genuine people," Ron Halma said.
Erin Stoffel's doctor tells FOX6 News she is doing as well as can be expected. He spoke on behalf of the family, saying they are overwhelmed by the support they have received.
A GoFundMe page has been established to benefit the Stoffel family. CLICK HERE to visit the page.
The following message was posted to the page Monday evening:
Adam Bentdahl
The family of 31-year-old Adam Bentdahl issued a statement to FOX6’s sister station WLUK. It reads:
Funeral services will be held for Adam Bentdahl this weekend.
A visitation will be held on Friday, May 8th at Valley Funeral Home from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., and again at the church on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
A funeral is planned for Saturday, May 9th at the Fox Valley Christian Fellowship on W. Kimberly Avenue in Kimberly.
Bentdahl will be laid to rest at Riverside Cemetery in Appleton.
A memorial fund is being established in Bentdahl's name.
His obituary indicates the donation of tissue and bone will benefit upwards of 100 people.
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RAW VIDEO: Menasha Police Chief Tim Styka talks about Trestle Trail Bridge shooting
RAW VIDEO: Menasha Police Chief Tim Styka talks about Trestle Trail Bridge shooting
Monitor FOX6 News and for updates on this developing story.