MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Milwaukee Water Works is warning Milwaukee area residents to be on the look out for persons who try to gain access to their homes by posing as utility employees. This, after two incidents were reported Wednesday, November 13th on Milwaukee’s south side.
The first incident occurred on South 14th Street. According to a press release, a man claiming to be a water utility employee talked hi sway into a woman's home, saying he need to check the water meter. He said he had working for the utility for so long he didn't have a utility identification badge.
While he was in her basement, a second man rang her doorbell and entered the home. He also claimed he was a water utility employee who was there to give her a $50.00 rebate for being a senior citizen. He said he would give her the cash if she could give him change for a $100.00 bill.
The woman told him she had no money in the house, and both men walked out.
The woman called the Milwaukee Water Works where a supervisor confirmed all utility employees carry a photo ID, and the utility does not offer rebates. She also was advised to immediately call the Milwaukee Police Department.
A second woman, who lives on South 34th Street, was approached by two men but she did not allow them into her house. She asked for identification and they told her they had left their ID badges in the truck. They also offered to replace her water meter for a $50 fee.
The utility replaces water meters at no charge to customers.
Protect yourself and your family from scam artists who pose as utility employees:
If a property owner calls the Milwaukee Water Works Customer Service Center and asks for an investigation into high water use or other water service-related issue, the Milwaukee Water Works may send an employee to a residence or business.
The utility also may send an employee to investigate high water use or a possible meter issue, or to replace a meter, without a customer-initiated service request. Again, these employees will readily show identification. You may contact the utility to confirm we are cold-calling in your service area.