Milwaukee Bradley Center music venues controversial vote Tuesday

A big vote is set for Tuesday, Nov. 1 to decide if two new music venues will move forward in Milwaukee. The venues are planned to be built right next to Fiserv Forum where the Bradley Center used to be. The plans have been controversial. 

FPC Live has provided renderings showing what the venues could look like.

A coalition of smaller venues in the city is still pushing for the Common Council to vote "no."

Rendering of proposed entertainment venue at Milwaukee's Deer District

The gravel lot where the Bradley Center once stood could be the start of a new music scene in Milwaukee, but some worry that could mean the sun setting on independent music venues.

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The Cactus Club posted on TikTok over the weekend, explaining why they don't support the contract.

"FPC and Live Nation are not the solution," they said.

Rendering of proposed entertainment venue at Milwaukee's Deer District

The Cactus Club and other independent music venues, including Turner Hall, started a coalition called Save MKE's Music Scene to oppose the project. Around two dozen opposition letters were submitted to the Common Council.

"Just imagine if you had all of these beautiful historic buildings shuttered, employees who would never be there all because you wanted this new, shiny, bright thing," they wrote.

Rendering of proposed entertainment venue at Milwaukee's Deer District

There are also dozens of letters supporting the project, including from restaurants Good City Brewing and Camp Bar; the owner of Camp Bar writing: "We feel that any additional draw of patrons and guests to the area is great for the city of Milwaukee."

FPC Live held a press conference Oct. 10 to tout the hundreds of union jobs the construction would bring.

Rendering of proposed entertainment venue at Milwaukee's Deer District

"These venues are going to elevate the entire music scene, that’s going to benefit – we feel – all the other venues in town, as well," said Charlie Goldstone, FPC Live president.

What Tuesday will bring is up to the Common Council to decide.

The venues fall in District 4, which is represented by Bob Bauman. He said Monday he plans to support the project, and he believes the Common Council has the votes needed to move the project forward.