Christmas holiday shootings in Milwaukee, 2 teens among victims

In Milwaukee, bullets interrupted the holiday weekend. There were four shootings between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Two of the victims are teens. Whether talking to the police chief, county sheriff or community activists, leaders say it's going to take everyone to stop the violence.

"One shooting is way too many shootings," said community activist Tracey Dent.

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Sunday, a 17-year-old was shot and wounded near 30th and Brown. Another person was shot and killed near 107th and Mill.

"It’s hard to just grab ahold of it. Like what’s really going on in Milwaukee?" Dent said. "There’s a lot of mental health issues that are going on, there’s a lot of different things that add to the fuel of violence, and we have to learn to deescalate the situation."

2023 Christmas Eve, Christmas Day shootings in Milwaukee

On Christmas morning, police said a 38-year-old was wounded during a robbery near 27th and North. A 15-year-old was wounded that afternoon, police said, after someone shot into a car near 11th and Ring. Both victims are expected to survive.

"It’s terrible. Especially when you hear about teenagers getting shot," said Dent.

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The number of Milwaukee homicides is down 22% this year compared to the same point in 2022. It still means there have been 166 homicides. Dent said the community can play a role in stopping violence – especially among young people.

"Go through their phones, go through their social media, find out what friends they are hanging out with and try to interrupt that," he said. "If they’re into some bad things, sometimes you have to make tough choices. You may have to turn in your child just to save their life.

"A lot of kids don’t feel that people care about them. And they try to find love in the streets, and the streets don’t love anybody."

Milwaukee police line do not cross

Milwaukee has reported 828 non-fatal shootings so far this year, down 4% from the same point in 2022.

"There’s always hope, there’s always hope," said Dent.

Anyone with information is asked to call MPD at 414-935-7360; to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 414-224-TIPS or use the P3 tips app.