Milwaukee County Courthouse temporarily evacuated after police receive bomb threat | FOX6 Milwaukee

Milwaukee County Courthouse temporarily evacuated after police receive bomb threat

MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee County Courthouse was temporarily evacuated after police received a message regarding a bomb threat on Friday afternoon, October 9th.

According to Milwaukee police, they received the online message about a bomb near a downtown courthouse at about 3:20 p.m. The message was from an anonymous source and did not list any specific information or specific court location.

Milwaukee County Courthouse

As a precaution, Federal Courthouse and Milwaukee County Courthouse officials were notified.

According to the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office, most courts were closed on Friday due to training so there was not a lot of court staff in the courthouse. The DA's office says the threat prompted the downtown courthouse to evacuate the building for approximately 15 minutes.

Police say after authorities checked the courthouses, they found nothing suspicious. They are now attempting to trace the source of the online message.

FOX6 News and will continue to monitor this investigation and will update when more information is available.