Milwaukee County Jail voter event, dozens registered

The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office said Friday, Nov. 4 that it partnered with a number of local organizations to host a voter registration drive at the county jail. 

The sheriff's office, along with the League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County and Milwaukee Inner-city Congregation Allied for Hope, put together the driver in October.

"Voting is among the most fundamental rights of American citizens," Sheriff Denita Ball said in a news release. "While we understand that some citizens’ ability to vote is restricted by law, it is our responsibility, even in this pre-trial detention facility, to ensure that all those eligible who are interested in voting have that ability. We appreciate the League and its efforts. A voting public is an engaged public."

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Over 38 hours across several days last month, the sheriff's office said multiple volunteers visited 10 of the jail's housing units. They met with 120 inmates, and registered 43 people. In addition to 11 inmates previously registered by jail staff, 54 inmates registered to vote in 2022.

Inmates who are eligible to vote have access to secure kiosks in their housing pods, the news release said. The inmates also have access to registration forms and instructions, and could seek help to get a valid state ID.