Milwaukee County Zoo: Black rhino euthanized due to health issues
MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee County Zoo posted on its website that one of its southern black rhinos, Brewster, was euthanized on March 19th due to a health condition.
Brewster was estimated to be 33 years old, and lived at the zoo with a companion rhino, Mimi. During his time at the zoo, he sired three surviving calves.
Zoo officials say Brewster abruptly stopped eating, was showing signs of colic (abdominal distress) for about a week; he was treated and monitored by veterinarians and keepers. Despite treatment, he showed no signs of improvement, and the difficult decision was made for him to be euthanized.
Brewster was one of two southern black rhinos brought to the Zoo from Zimbabwe in 1989 in accordance with the Rhino Specialist Group and Species Survival Plan recommendations.