Milwaukee cruise ship season; mayor eyes new dock in 2025 budget

First impressions matter, and the City of Milwaukee is hoping to make a better one.

Currently, thousands of visitors are dropped off via cruise ships next to a wastewater treatment plant. A multi-million dollar plan to change that just got a big boost.

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For the last 15 years, Theresa Nemetz has shown customer service is her specialty.

"We handle their tours, their transportation," Nemetz said. "We really take care of making sure that local communities shine, and really be able to make sure that passengers have a flawless experience from the airport to the ship."

Her company, Great Lakes Shore Excursions, welcomes cruise passengers ashore in port cities around the great lakes, including Milwaukee. The largest vessels dock between industrial sites at the City Heavy Lift Dock on Jones Island.

Their arrival usually comes with pomp and circumstance. Soon, it might include one of the city's best views.

"When they get off of that ship, we want to be welcoming them," Nemetz said.  "And we want to really tell them about the city, because maybe that’s their only impression of the city."

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As part of his 2025 proposal, Mayor Cavalier Johnson included $5 million for the new South Shore cruise dock. The project is now priced at $17 million.

"That investment in Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic’s district is the final financial piece needed to welcome the big vessels filled with cruise ship passengers," Johnson said.

The dock would be built on vacant land east of the Lake Express ferry terminal and provide the same port of entry for vessels of any size, something Nemetz said would add to the growing industry.

"It’s right at the base of the Hoan Bridge, and so, it’s just this beautiful scenery," Nemetz said. "But it’s also easy access both to the airport and to downtown Milwaukee."

The state and the city have already allocated around $6 million to the project.

The port will open the bid process this year, start construction next year and plan to open for the 2026 cruise season. That would, however, require the Milwaukee Common Council to approve the budget, with the dock funding included as is.