Milwaukee delivery vehicle thefts; drivers encounter crime on south side

A warning for delivery drivers. Milwaukee police say they are seeing a series of business and delivery vehicle thefts on the city's south side. 

When Justice Ice is out on a delivery, there are two things the UPS driver said he always has – the package and his keys. 

"With this fob right here, this is the only thing that gets in and out of this vehicle," Ice said.  

It is one of the ways Ice said he makes sure no one makes off with their trucks once they step away.

"We are trained to make sure that each door is locked, and the truck is off, the ignition’s off," Ice said. 

Justin Ice

But it seems that has not been the case for every delivery driver. Milwaukee police in District 6 said they have seen a recent rash of business and delivery vehicles stolen on the city's south side. 

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FOX6 News asked Milwaukee police for specific numbers – and we have not received that data yet. 

"I notice it being out here daily, every day," Ice said. 

Police said the drivers are leaving the vehicles running and unoccupied. 

"They’re definitely being negligent," Ice said. 

Jordin Jenkins, who drives for Amazon, said that is not surprising. 

"We hear it all the time at the warehouse, at the factories," Jenkins said. 

Jordin Jenkins

The Amazon driver said one of the company's vehicles were targeted a few weeks ago. Jenkins said drivers are given strict instructions when out on deliveries.

"Make sure you take your keys, and we have to be back at the station before sundown," Jenkins said. "You just got to be aware of your surroundings, get in and get out."

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Police said these are crimes of opportunity – and can happen in an instant. 

No matter how long you think you may be away from your vehicle, officials say never leave it running when you are away.