Milwaukee fatal shooting; family of victim says, "This broke us"

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Milwaukee fatal shootings leave 2 men dead

Milwaukee police are investigating the deaths of two men, shot and killed less than two hours apart late Monday, June 17.

Milwaukee police are investigating the deaths of two men – shot and killed less than two hours apart on the city's north side late Monday, June 17.

"We’re trying to keep it together, but we’re real broken right now. This broke us," said Qwashala Harris, David Brent’s cousin.

Harris is trying to cope with the realization that her cousin, 42-year-old David Brent, is gone. 

David Brent

"He was a very great father, grandfather, a great son," Harris said. 

Police said the father of four was killed just before 9 p.m. Monday night – near Fond du Lac and Locust. 

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Harris said the incident started in this gas station when someone tried to rob her cousin. She said that led to some sort of a fight and ended with her cousin getting shot.

"Milwaukee used to be a great place to live, a great place to raise your children, but now you can’t even go to the gas station," Harris said. 

Qwashala Harris

Brent's killing was the second on Monday night. Less than two hours earlier, police responded to another fatal shooting near 56th and Nash. Neighbors said a man bled out in an alley.

"Sitting in the living room watching TV, then all of a sudden we heard like four shots," said Sandra Petersik, neighbor.

Petersik said within minutes, paramedics and police showed up. 

"Scary for all of us who live in this city. You just don’t want to see anything like this; you don’t want to see anybody get hurt," Petersik said. 

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Harris is now pleading for the community and city leaders to unite in some way – so more families are not losing loved ones the same way. 

"A lot more needs to be done because if not this is going to be a bloody summer in Milwaukee, a real bloody summer in Milwaukee," Harris said. 

Qwashala Harris

Harris said her family is offering a $10,000 reward for information that may lead to a conviction. 

At last check, Milwaukee police have not made any arrests.