Milwaukee fire prevention; students learn life-saving lessons

You think you are all set for something you hope never happens – a fire in your home. You have a smoke alarm and a fire extinguisher. But if you do not have an escape plan and meeting point, you are not as ready as you need to be. 

Second graders at Cooper Elementary on Milwaukee's south side tested their fire safety skills on Monday, Oct. 9. That started with practicing for real-life scenarios. 

"We are learning how to escape from the fire," said Analysee Rodriguez.

Analysee Rodriguez

With the help of Milwaukee firefighters, students came with a plan of how to escape. For Rodriguez, drills like this remind her of a scary situation.

"At my old house, we had a real fire, we had to stop drop and roll, and go to my neighbors house," Rodriguez said. 

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The training is part of Milwaukee's Fire Prevention Week. It kicked off the week with students at the department's Survive Alive house. 

Milwaukee Survive Alive House

"They listen and follow the safe advice and that’s what saves lives," said Milwaukee Fire Chief Aaron Lipski. 

The chief said this year the focus is on cooking safety. 

Milwaukee Survive Alive House

"We do have a large number of fires that start from unattended cooking," Lipski said. 

The National Fire Protection Association said in the U.S., unattended cooking is the leading cause of deaths. 

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"There's ways we can manage to interact with things," Lipski said. 

Milwaukee Fire Chief Aaron Lipski

That starts with education at a young age. The lessons students take away can save lives. 

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