Milwaukee Health Department approves COVID-19 safety plans for 10 schools
MILWAUKEE - The City of Milwaukee Health Department on Friday, Aug. 21 announced that 10 schools have had their COVID-19 safety plans approved.
K-12 schools with approved plans will be allowed to engage in non-virtual learning options as long as the plan is adhered to.
The list of schools with approved plans as of Aug. 21 is as follows:
- Marquette University High School
- Wisconsin Lutheran High School
- Pius XI High School
- Yeshiva Elementary School
- St. Marcus Lutheran School
- Divine Savior Holy Angels High School
- Milwaukee Montessori School
- Cross Trainers Academy
- Seton Catholic Schools
- St. Sebastian Catholic School
The Milwaukee Health Department has received, to date, 35 complete plans and will continue to review and approve plans, prioritized by open date. The health department will announce updates to its list of approved plans on a weekly basis.
For a school's plan to be approved, it must include a health department K-12 Safety Assessment Checklist -- available online here.
More information on the Milwaukee Health Department's COVID-19 guidelines and plans can be found on the department's website.
Statement from the Milwaukee Health Department:
The City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) acknowledges the decision to open schools is an emotional one for all parties involved. Children and their safety and development are our priority during this pandemic. We will be doing weekly school safety plan updates on Fridays in order to keep the community apprised of the school plans submitted and approved.