Milwaukee illegal dumping, volunteers clear 85th and Brown Deer mess | FOX6 Milwaukee

Milwaukee illegal dumping, volunteers clear 85th and Brown Deer mess

After FOX6 News profiled a large illegal dumping site on Milwaukee's north side Monday, a property management company cleaned it up.

Berrada Properties does not own the former Walgreens near 85th and Brown Deer, but said Wednesday that volunteers decided to help out – sharing pictures of the tidied-up lot.

Clothes, shoes, furniture and even wigs were among the items FOX6 found on the property Monday, July 3. Neighbors said they were fed up.

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"It's sad," said Sharhonda Alford. "It really is."

Peter Williams said the nuisance was growing out of control: "I mean, when are we going to start having respect for each other and where we live?"

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Milwaukee illegal dumping at 85th and Brown Deer

Neighbors said they were not sure who was doing this illegal dumping, and that they did not file a report.

The Department of Neighborhood Services urges people to report illegal dumping online. Illegal dumpers face $5,000 fines. 

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