Milwaukee man accused; bank robbery, attempted robbery of businesses

Keith Myers

A 40-year-old Milwaukee man is accused of attempting to rob a check cashing business and robbing a US Bank in the city – in just two days. The accused is Keith Myers – and he faces the following criminal counts: 

  • Attempt robbery of a financial institution
  • Robbery of a financial institution

According to the criminal complaint, a woman working at the PLS Check Cashing financial institution on N. Teutonia Avenue on Thursday, Nov. 9 when an individual tried to rob her at the front counter. The complaint says the person "handed her a note which stated, 'I have a bomb, give me all the money you got, no dye packs, no tracers.'" The person went on to say "don't try anything funny and give me the note back." The woman kept the note and hit the emergency button underneath her service counter -- and the person ran out of the business.

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The next day, Nov. 10, a police officer found the defendant in an alley near 28th and Clybourn -- where a tracking device was "pinging" just blocks from a US Bank that had just been robbed. When officers asked his name, the defendant replied, "Terence Hopkin" and he claimed to be picking up trash in the area. While officers were speaking with the defendant, "personnel at US Bank confirmed that the defendant was the person who had just robbed them via a phone picture," the complaint says. The defendant was then arrested. Officers found on him a plastic bag with more than $3,100 in cash and a US Bank GPS tracking device. The complaint says a "jacket containing the demand note was found in a garbage can near where the defendant was arrested."

Myers made his initial appearance in Milwaukee County court on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Cash bond was set at $25,000.