Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in self-quarantine, came in contact with person who tested positive

MILWAUKEE -- In a statement shared Thursday, March 19, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett announced that he is in self-quarantine. He issued the following statement:

“I have been informed I came in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.  I have consulted with public health officials and they have recommended 14 days of self-quarantine and therefore that’s what I will be doing. I am following best practices by self-isolating. In an effort to maintain social distancing the last several days, I have been continuing my duties and responsibilities by teleconference and videoconference and I expect to do the same during this time of self-quarantine.”

A spokeswoman with Barrett's office told FOX6 News that he met the person last Friday, March 13 but would not say where. He found out March 19 that that person tested positive and is not symptomatic.