Milwaukee County park trashed on Memorial Day, crews short-staffed | FOX6 Milwaukee

Milwaukee County park trashed on Memorial Day, crews short-staffed

Milwaukee County's McCarty Park was the site of Memorial Day cookouts and picnics, but on Tuesday morning, May 31, there was plenty of trash left behind.

Milwaukee County Parks officials are asking residents to cool it as we head into the summer months.

Cheesy remnants from a Memorial Day holiday weekend gathering were nothing to smile about Tuesday morning. 

"There’s a lot more left behind than just the memories," said Peter Bratt, Milwaukee County Parks director of operations. "It’s really disheartening."

Photos show what McCarty Park looked like less than 24 hours after groups gathered on Memorial Day. 

"People leave their party behind," said Bratt. "They leave their garbage, charcoals."

McCarty Park

"No respect," said John Sentkowski, neighbor. 

Those who live nearby said it doesn't allow them to enjoy their own neighborhood. 

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"It’s not fair for little kids to have to run around, and little kids like her, she puts things in her mouth," said Breazia Shelley, who lives across from the park. "Definitely a downside, for sure."

It's not just unsightly. The issue is taking a toll on parks crews -- already short-staffed and spread thin.

"We want to get them doing stuff, getting the fields ready for games later today, prepping the pool which is going to be opening later this June, but we’re really forced to focus on picking up other people's garbage," said Bratt. "We had 20 folding chairs that were left behind that parks staff hauled away."

The trash problem seems to be overflowing, forcing neighbors to pick up the slack.

McCarty Park

"Constantly picking up garbage on the road," said Sentkowski. 

With proper receptacles all around, parks officials say it's time to can the careless behavior. 

"This is definitely the start of the trash season," said Bratt. 

"We don’t care if you party," said Sentkowski. "Just pick it up. Take care of the park

When you see a mess like that seen at McCarty Park Tuesday, you're urged to call your local parks office. There's a hotline for Milwaukee County Parks.
