Milwaukee police gun lock giveaway

Milwaukee police are asking gun owners to help solve stolen gun cases. Officers went door-to-door Thursday, July 7 with an important message and safety tool in the neighborhood where a 3-year-old accidentally shot himself Friday.

Milwaukee police say that could have been prevented.

On Thursday, they gave out gun locks to prevent another tragedy from happening.

Police officers went door-to-door with a tool to save lives, preventing tragedies in a neighborhood that saw one Friday. Milwaukee police say a 3-year-old boy got his hands on a gun and unintentionally shot himself.

"Anytime a child dies, it's sad, so it makes me want to get out and do more," said Captain Raymond Bratchett, MPD. 

Adella Deacon said it hits close to home.

"I have a 2-year-old myself, and so I always want to keep those things secure," said Deacon.

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Deacon said gun locks are needed more than ever.

"But when you have kids it's extremely scary because you have so many toys that look like guns, and they see it just as another toy, another thing and they squeeze the trigger, and you have a deadly result," said Deacon. 

She said it's a way of protection that gives her peace of mind, and it starts right at her door.

If you need a gun lock, they are free, and you can get one at any of the Milwaukee police districts.