Milwaukee sexual assaults, convicted sex offender accused again

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Convicted sex offender accused again

A convicted sex offender is now accused of sexually assaulting two women on Milwaukee's Upper East Side over the span of just under a year.

A convicted sex offender is now accused of sexually assaulting two women on Milwaukee's Upper East Side that happened nearly one year apart from one another.

Prosecutors charged 54-year-old Scott Dykas in the case. He remains in custody in $100,000 cash bond, according to court records.

Maryland and Park | July 30, 2023 

Officers were originally called to Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital for a stabbing.

According to a criminal complaint, the 20-year-old victim said she was walking home from work when she realized a man was following her near Maryland and Park.

The victim said the man got close to her, grabbed her and told her to "turn around." Per the complaint, he had a pocketknife and the victim then believed he was trying to rape her because he continued to grab her but did not take anything.

Details from criminal complaint filed against Scott Dykas

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After a struggle, the complaint states the victim was stabbed under her breast and dropped her belongings. The man ran off. The victim suffered a large laceration that punctured and collapsed her lung. 

The victim provided a physical description of the attacker, per the complaint, who was wearing a mask over the lower half of his face. Surveillance video also showed the victim walking and another person "following her quickly" before a "physical alteration." Investigators also noticed a black Ford SUV seen on surveillance driving past the victim that night. 

Oakland and Bradford | July 25, 2024

Police were called for a reported sexual assault that happened around 10 p.m. According to the complaint, the 28-year-old victim said she was walking, which she does every night, when she felt something touch her right hand. She looked over her shoulder and saw a man with his hood up.

The victim said the man put her in a "loose chokehold" and told her to "calm down, be quiet" before sexually assaulting her, the complaint states. The victim then grabbed a knife from her fanny pack and stabbed the man in the side, and the two then separated.

The attacker then said "I have one too" and reached into his sweatshirt before walking toward the victim again, she said, per the complaint. The victim then pepper sprayed the man and ran home, where she called police.

Details from criminal complaint filed against Scott Dykas

Dykas arrested

The complaint states Dykas checked into a hospital shortly after midnight on July 26 – less than two hours after the reported sexual assault – and was questioned about how he was stabbed. 

According to the complaint, Dykas repeatedly changed where he was – at times clamming he was on Bradford Avenue, where the sexual assault took place, or Brady Street – before eventually claiming "two Hispanic males" stabbed him on the city's south side. While at the hospital, he allegedly "repeatedly tried to wipe off his left hand and tried to clean out the nail beds of his fingers."

Police placed Dykas under arrest at the hospital. At the time, the complaint states, he said: "I just keep digging myself into deeper and deeper holes." 

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Officers searched Dykas' vehicle – a black Ford SUV – and found a black hooded sweatshirt with an incision and blood where the victim of the Oakland and Bradford assault said she stabbed her attacker. 

It was not until Dykas was in custody for the 2024 case, the complaint states, that the victim in the 2023 assault was able to identify him from a line-up.

Court records show Dykas is now charged with first-degree sexual assault, first-degree reckless injury and second-degree sexual assault.

Prior conviction

In 1988, Wisconsin Department of Corrections records show Dykas was convicted of first-degree sexual assault and sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was released in 2008.

The two assaults Dykas is now accused of committing follow a pattern. He was investigated for a similar assault in 2014, but no charges were filed, according to online court records.