Milwaukee skyscraper replica, made entirely of peanut butter, donated to Hunger Task Force

MILWAUKEE -- A downtown Milwaukee skyscraper has been replicated -- using peanut butter!

Tenants of the 411 East Wisconsin Center built the 18-story peanut butter tower.

On Monday, June 20th, they tore it down, and donated the building blocks to the Hunger Task Force.

More than 1,000 jars were donated -- plus more than $1,100.

Peanut butter tower donated to Hunger Task Force

The donations will be used for Hunger Task Force's "Summer Meals" program, which kicked off Monday.

The main goal of the program is to help feed children during the summer months when they're out of school.

Peanut butter tower donated to Hunger Task Force

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Hunger Task Force.