Milwaukee stroke survivor meets saviors

Every 45 seconds, someone in America has a stroke and time is of the essence. One woman was in the right place at the right time when she suffered a stroke.  

Judy knows the ins and outs of Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center.  

"I have a long history with Aurora," she said.

Working at Aurora for 47 years, after retiring in 2010, Judy now volunteers, and it's that work that put her in the right place at the right time.  

"I got up from the table and collapsed on the floor," she said."I had no warning signs."

In January, Judy suffered a stroke while having her lunch in the cafeteria just a few hallways away from the emergency room, and she just so happened to be in a hospital that excels in stroke care.  

"If you’re going to have a stroke, there isn’t a better place to have it than Aurora St. Luke’s," said Judy.

On Wednesday, May 19, Judy met the people who were quick to act, ultimately saving her life.

"Judy was really lucky because she got the medication within 30 minutes of being in our emergency room," said Lindsay Biddick, Aurora.

May is Stroke Awareness Month, with health experts reminding that timing is crucial and to be aware of stroke symptoms.  

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"A lot of times, strokes will not have any pain associated with them, so if you have those symptoms, come straight to the emergency room," said Ilana Ruff, Aurora.

Judy is already back to volunteering, and while she's doing well, she said she's still shaken up, reminding anyone who thinks they are having a stroke not to be afraid to call 911. 

"Someone was watching over me," she said.

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