Milwaukee teens on scooters hit by vehicle; driver sped away

Two teens were badly injured in a scooter accident on Tuesday, June 18.

A car slammed into them at 8th and Burleigh. 

The boys say they were on their way to the park when the accident happened. They say they're lucky to be alive.

This isn't what summer break was supposed to look like for Deondre Ransom and Emari Lee.

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"I have a big gash in my head and this is busted up and this right here," Ransom said.

Deondre Ransom and Emari Lee

"I got some scratches on my arm," Lee said.

The two thought Tuesday would be a good day to hop on a lime scooter and head to the park.

But their ride abruptly ended on Burleigh around 4:45 p.m.

"That’s when all we heard was ‘errrrrrr,’" Ransom said. "That’s all I remember."

Deondre Ransom and Emari Lee

They said a driver headed south on 8th slammed into them at the busy intersection.

"I guess we flew in the air," Lee said. "We were right here in front of the tire place."

Witnesses called 9-1-1 and say the driver of the vehicle sped away.

Both teens went to the hospital.

Lee suffered bruises, cuts and scrapes to his face, arms and back.

"I’m traumatized," he said.

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Ransom is on crutches and is wearing a neck brace.

"I’m in so much pain," he said. "My face. Being in the sun, I’m burning."

Deondre Ransom and Emari Lee

The boys and their families are asking for people to slow down and pay attention, as well as for the driver to come forward.

"Be careful, please be careful because you’re dealing with someone’s child," said Solomon Wright, a cousin.

Despite their injuries, they're thankful the crash ended with both of them alive.

"I’m glad God was on my side that day," Lee said.