Milwaukee transgender woman homicide trial; jury selection underway

Jury selection will resume Tuesday morning, June 4, as well as opening statements, for the trial for the man charged with shooting and killing a transgender woman in Milwaukee.

After more than a year, Cordell Howze's homicide trial was set to begin Monday, June 3.

Howze was charged with killing 31-year-old Cashay Henderson and setting her apartment on fire.

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"I’ve talked to him about what would be valid defenses, what would be appropriate defenses to present to the jury, and talked with him – I've made clear what my thoughts are," defense attorney Stephen Sargent said.

Cordell Howze

Fire crews were called to an apartment fire at 29th and Villard in February of last year.

Inside, they found Henderson’s body.

Two days later, police up in the Fox Valley were involved in a slow-speed chase.

Inside the car – Howze.

The Neenah man was charged with first-degree intentional homicide, felony gun possession and arson.

According to the criminal complaint, Howze told his friend, "I caught the body of a disgusting (expletive) tran." His friend knew this to mean Howze had killed a transgender person.

The friend also said Howze showed a video that appeared to show a dead woman with blood on her head and an aquarium with a snake in it, like that found in Henderson's apartment.


Milwaukee transgender woman homicide, man headed to trial

The man accused of killing a Milwaukee transgender woman in February is headed to trial for reckless homicide, online court records show.

Howze's mother told investigators he gave her a Gucci purse and Rolex, that investigators say belonged to Henderson.

Howze initially pleaded not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, but that was rejected by the court after two doctors examined Howze. 

Cashay Henderson

Monday morning, the parties went over some pretrial issues.

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"I’m asserting my innocence," Howze said.

The state said ballistic and DNA testing done was, but in large, was inconclusive. But all reports were turned over to the defense, along with case files from Howze's arrest in the Fox Valley.

A panel of 17 women and 18 men were empaneled for the jury selection process.

The trial is expected to go into next week.