Milwaukee UCC seniors celebrate quinceañeras: 'This is a blessing' | FOX6 Milwaukee

Milwaukee UCC seniors celebrate quinceañeras: 'This is a blessing'

Seniors at Milwaukee's United Community Center proved Friday it's never too late to live out a childhood dream. 

Fifteen women had quinceañeras – making up for the fact they didn't have one growing up. Ramona Rosado joined friends for a celebration that's about 50 years overdue.

"I am so happy," she said. "My heart is beeping fast."

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Quinceañeras are a very special celebration in Hispanic and Latino culture. They symbolize the start of adulthood and mark a girl's 15th birthday. 

"It’s a milestone back in our countries," said Ana Castaneda, UCC's elderly programs manager. "It’s a big party, a huge event."

Women celebrate long overdue quinceañeras at the United Community Center in Milwaukee

The UCC said the 15 women celebrated Friday never had quinceañeras growing up due to economic or other life circumstances. 

"There’s been really a lot of effort by our seniors, you know, from the dresses to our decorations to the rehearsals for the dance," Castaneda said. 

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The ladies all belong to the sewing club. Each had a hand in the creation and alterations of their gown – topped with a traditional tiara. 

"I’m very happy. I feel like a little girl," said Amparo Posada.

"What I couldn’t have in my youth, I’m having in my adult age," said Midalia Estela.

Women celebrate long overdue quinceañeras at the United Community Center in Milwaukee

In true quince tradition, each woman had a date – a husband, son or an officer from the Milwaukee Police Department

"We’re ready to have some fun," Police District 2 Capt. Patrick Pajot. "We’re ready to escort the ladies…Do a little dancing with them and just enjoy the day."

Pajot said officers from Police Districts 1, 2 and 7 were happy to play a role in the unique celebration.

Police District 2 Capt. Patrick Pajot helps celebrate UCC quinceañeras 

"I’m so glad the UCC was able to do this for them," he said.

Together, they waltzed and danced the afternoon away and proved it’s never too late to live out a dream. 

"This is a blessing for us," said Rosado.

The UCC sewing club accepts donations of all sorts for their seniors to use. If you have a sewing machine, sewing material or fabrics to donate – consider dropping them off at the UCC Senior Center near 8th and Washington.

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