Milwaukee's Brew City Church vandalized, man 'no longer welcomed'
MILWAUKEE - Brew City Church in downtown Milwaukee was vandalized, and the pastor said the person who did it is someone they tried to help.
The sign out front was marked up with vulgarities and had to be painted over, but the pastor said that didn't solve the problem.
"We exist to love and serve the community," said Randy Knie. "One of the beautiful parts about our location is so many people walk through our doors looking for welcome and love."
Pastor Knie said one of the people they believed they were showing love to didn't reciprocate.
"It’s really hard," said Knie. "It’s been one of my hardest weeks I’ve had in a while."
Knie said the man he's known for about a month tried disrupting Sunday's service and was escorted out. He returned the next day and did some damage.
"It felt violating," said Knie. "It felt disappointing. I knew it was going to be turning into this."
Milwaukee's Brew City Church vandalized
The sign out front was covered in curse words and nonsense. Parts of the patio were messed up, and every day since, Knie said the man has come back, harassing people outside.
"It’s a sinking feeling," said Knie. "It’s depressing."
Milwaukee police have been keeping an eye on the church. Private security will be watching over Sunday services.
Knie said the man has been told he needs to leave.
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"Telling him he’s no longer welcomed, unfortunately," said Knie. "If you can’t be trusted to respect our stuff, he can’t be on our property."
Knie said they are praying for the man who sinned against them so they both can have peace.
Milwaukee's Brew City Church vandalized
"Our priorities are welcoming everyone and loving everyone but also having a safe environment," said Knie.
Knie said there will be further repairs to the sign, so if it's vandalized again, it's easier to clean.
It's costing them about $1,500.