"More than just a map:" Local seventh grader to compete in National Geographic Bee
RIVER HILLS -- Instead of a map or GPS device, one southeastern Wisconsin seventh grader says his family turns to him. Thomas Wright is headed to Washington, D.C. to compete in the National Geographic Bee.
Thomas Wright
For Thomas Wright, it's about both the journey and the destination.
"It's a lot more than just a map. It's a lot about the culture," said Wright.
Wright, a seventh-grade student at University School Milwaukee, is one of the 54 finalists for the upcoming 28th annual National Geographic Bee in Washington, D.C.
"You gotta love the map. You really do. You have to be able to associate with a map and whenever there's a map presented in front of you, you gotta be able to say 'oh, I can look at this for awhile,' and just be interested in it," said Wright.
"We would buy puzzles of the U.S. or the world, and he'd love to sit and put them together," said Lisa Wright, Thomas' mother.
Lisa Wright says her son's efforts go well beyond location, explaining Wright's interests involve comprehensive study of a specific area -- including how it relates to surrounding locales.
"Part of the fun, for him, is understanding the route where we're going, what we're gonna see and what else is there. And it naturally flows into his love of geography," said Lisa Wright.
"It gives you a wider perspective of what the world is today and the different cultures that people have, the different foods they take, and how are they similar to me? How are they different," said Thomas Wright.
Wright leaves for the nation's capitol on Sunday night, May 22nd.
UPDATE: FOX6 News has learned Wright finished as one of the top 10 finalists in the preliminary round of the National Geographic Bee Monday, May 23rd in Washington, D.C.
The 10 finalists will compete in the final round on Wednesday, May 25th.
Thomas Wright