MPS gives free lunches to help families after schools close | FOX6 Milwaukee

MPS gives free lunches to help families after schools close

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee Public Schools is among many districts now closed until further notice, and that is making it difficult for some families to meet their children's basic needs.

MPS leaders say they are doing everything to help their families get through this difficult time, right now, that starts with free lunches.

"This stuff is nutritious and it's very healthy," MPS Superintendent Keith Posely said.

Posely helps serve food to children waiting to return to Milwaukee's public schools.

"We miss the social interaction. It can get kind of boring, but as long as we're safe, that's all that matters," Alisa Lee said.

Meals are normally served to all MPS students free of charge.

"This is perfect what the school has decided to do for all our MPS students because it really saves the children," MPS parent Kevin Collins said.

Milwaukee ranks high in the state for coronavirus cases and death.

"It's kind of trying out here," said Collins. "Everyone trying to be safe and stay safe."

According to a district spokesperson, 80% of students live in poverty, and now some families are dealing with job loss. Those still working, worry about childcare needs.

"I'll come from work to take a break, just to pick up these items for the kids."

"It would be a little bit of a bind because daily, some of us that do have to work can't go home to make and prepare these lunches for our children."

District officials say some educational material is offered at pick up, while online learning will be difficult to coordinate because many students in the district do not have access to the internet.

"We're staying in the books. We appreciate also MPS giving us those educational packages because we need them. They're gonna keep the kids on target, so we really thank them for that."

For those who need the internet for educational purposes, Spectrum is offering it free for sixty days. You can get more information here.