MPS special meeting scheduled after questions arise

An agenda for Monday's Milwaukee Public Schools special meeting shows the board may consider dismissal, demotion or discipline for superintendent Keith Posley in a closed session.

Posley has been under fire since the Department of Public Instruction issued a scathing letter calling out MPS for being months behind on submitting required financial data.

It could delay millions in state aid for MPS and impact districts statewide.

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"Keith Posely, cut your salary," Sarah Gruettner said. "Cut the entire financial department who has been behind eight plus months on the paperwork."

On Thursday, Posley's proposed the $1.5 billion budget that would cut hundreds of jobs to be tabled.

"No, we are in a horrible financial position finance," board member Darryl Jackson said. "Horrible, and the board had no clue."

According to the meeting notice, the district is also following DPI's advice to hire an external financial consultant, retaining former Waukesha superintendent Todd Gray for $80 an hour.