MPS virtual learning option for next school year

Milwaukee Public Schools announced the development of a virtual program that will be offered as a full-time learning option for students for the 2021-22 school year.

Families can share their desire for this virtual option by filling out a survey which is also being sent via email and U.S. Mail.

All enrolled students are currently assigned to in-person learning five days a week. Any student that participates in the virtual learning program will receive instruction from teachers fully dedicated to remote learning. Classroom teachers based in schools will only teach in-school students.

"We are elated to offer this option for students and families who desire to remain virtual," MPS Superintendent Dr. Keith P. Posley said. "As we prepare for a full return to school buildings, our desire is that all of our young people have access to the best possible education, whether virtual or in-person."

Enrollment in the virtual program is limited and based on availability. Surveys must be returned by Monday, June 21 to be considered. Families who choose for their child(ren) to remain in-person do not have to take action.

For more information about this virtual option, please visit

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