'Muslims for Life" blood drive commemorates lives lost in San Bernardino, 9/11

NEW BERLIN -- The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community held its "Muslims for Life" blood drive on Saturday, December 19th. The group held the blood drive in honor of the lives lost in San Bernardino, as well as 9/11.

The blood drives have been taking place for more than a decade and in just the last five years, over 200,000 units have been donated.

"Muslims for Life" seeks to put emphasis on the sanctity of life -- a teaching that is found throughout all religions.

Muslims for Life blood drive

"We as Muslims are out there trying to save our fellow Americans lives by helping do blood drives and other community service projects. We do soup kitchens and there are many other community service projects that we do, but this one here, with the blood drives, it's more symbolic that people may try to shed blood and we're trying to collect blood to save lives," said Rizwan Ahmad, Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association.

For every person that donates a pint of blood, up to three lives can be saved.

Muslims for Life blood drive

If you would like more information on the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, CLICK HERE.