Project aims to redesign N. Water Street; public meeting Thursday | FOX6 Milwaukee

Project aims to redesign N. Water Street; public meeting Thursday

The City of Milwaukee will be holding a public meeting on the N. Water Street Project on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Diercks Hall at MSOE. 

This project aims to redesign N. Water Street from E. Kilbourn Avenue to E. Pleasant Street. It's part of traffic-calming efforts to reduce reckless driving. 

Water Street is a big priority. That's where officials say one out of five drivers speed at more than 40 mph. It leads to crashes – and according to the city's Traffic Violence Dashboard – it's left hundreds of people hurt. 

Water Street, Milwaukee

"The real goal here is consistent with other things we're doing across the city," said Kevin Muhs, City of Milwaukee engineer. "Just trying to improve safety, reduce excessive speeding, and try to encourage people to drive more safely, make it more comfortable, people to walk, bike, take transit."

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At this meeting, the public will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about and provide feedback on design alternatives that aim to improve traffic safety, increase accommodations for walking, biking and transit, and support economic growth.
  • Understand how this project supports the Connec+ing MKE Downtown Plan 2040.
  • Share your thoughts and help shape the future of this important downtown corridor.

The City of Milwaukee is working to identify funding for the final design and construction.

If you cannot attend in person or want to learn more about the project, please visit Design alternatives and materials will be posted after the meeting.


