Nathan Paape sentenced to life in prison in death of Barbara Olson

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Nathan Paape sentenced for murder of Barbara Olson

Nathan Paape sentenced for murder of Barbara Olson

SHEBOYGAN  (WITI) — A Sheboygan County judge sentenced 14-year-old Nathan Paape to life in prison on Tuesday, August 13th. Paape will not be eligible for parole until December 2, 2043 -- when Paape turns 45 years old.

Paape was found guilty of first-degree intentional homicide, party to a crime for his role in the death of 78-year-old Barbara Olson in September 2012. Paape worked in association with Antonio Barbeau who pleaded no contest to the charges against him in this case. Olson was Barbeau's great-grandmother.

The two boys ransacked Olson’s house and stole money. Later, they used some of that money to buy marijuana and pizza.

In court on Tuesday, Paape gave a short apology before he was sentenced.

"I just want to say I'm truly sorry for everything that happened. I truly regret every single thing that happened that day," said Paape.

"I know this is bad, really bad. And no one can bring Barbara Olson back and our family. We haven't had the opportunity to express our sympathy for their family," said Lorrie Koene, Paape's great aunt who spoke exclusively with FOX6 News.

Koene said her nephew has the social development of a ten-year-old and would easily be led by a smarter boy such as Antonio Barbeau; eager to please a friend.

"He actually thought he was going to get to come home after he told the truth," said Koene. "He didn't want this to happen. He didn't plan to go there to kill Barbara Olson. He didn't plan this. I don't know what to say any more. There's just so much sorrow for everybody involved, so much sorrow."

Paape's family hopes to appeal the sentence -- and is appealing the boy's crime being tried in adult court.

"Maybe the laws will change when it comes to sentencing kids. I hope it does. I hope it does," said Koene."

Barbeau was sentenced on Monday, August 12th. He was also sentenced to life in prison. Barbeau will not be eligible for parole until he turns 50 years old.

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