Nearly 2 dozen garbage bins set on fire in Riverwest neighborhood: "Lucky nobody got hurt"

Riverwest garbage fires

RIVERWEST -- Milwaukee police and fire officials were busy early Wednesday, August 9th -- responding to a large number of trash fires in the Riverwest neighborhood. It seems someone started as many as 20 fires in alleys near Booth and Wright Streets.

Police are looking for the person who set the fires around 4:00 a.m. Some of them damaged siding and burned very close to homes.

Riverwest garbage fires

Riverwest garbage fires

"I have a wife and a kid here and it was pretty close to my house. It seems like it happened throughout the entire alley, and that could be a big danger for anybody," said Brett Bennett.

Riverwest garbage fires

Bennett said his toddler was sleeping near the fire and he called the fire department.

"He's the one who really woke me up, because I think he heard them moving the garbage can and I heard him screaming, and I smelled smoke," said Bennett. "I was more concerned about -- I have to clean it all up."

A few blocks away, Kathy Oberdorf said it's a shame someone had to cause so much damage and leave a mess in the neighborhood.

"We're lucky nobody's house or any garages or anything started on fire, that no one got hurt. I've had a fire and it's not good to have," said Oberdorf.

Milwaukee police said they are still investigating and looking for the suspects.

Riverwest garbage fires

Organization Milwaukee Police-department