Nine Elmbrook Church volunteers helping with Isaac cleanup
BROOKFIELD -- A group of volunteers from Elmbrook Church in Brookfield have headed south to help victims of Hurricane Isaac. The volunteers left this weekend, but before heading out, they said a prayer, and loaded up their cars.
Nine volunteers are headed to Lacombe, Louisiana. It's an area hit hard by the hurricane. Homes flooded and are now caked in mud and mold.
"When they hear we're coming from Wisconsin, they're quite impressed that people care that far away. For them, you can imagine the hopelessness they feel," Disaster Relief Coordinator Maryann Lee said.
Volunteers will clear out old drywall, insulation and wet possessions.
It's a thousand miles away, but close to the hearts of volunteers. The group worked for three years rebuilding the area after Hurricane Katrina.
"It really gives them encouragement and raises their spirits," volunteer Tom Los said.
The group will return a week from Sunday.
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