No longer on the market: Dodge Co. sex offenders won't be placed in home in Reeseville | FOX6 Milwaukee

No longer on the market: Dodge Co. sex offenders won't be placed in home in Reeseville

DODGE COUNTY -- The Dodge County Sheriff's Office this week learned that a home on Neuberger Road in Reeseville, where two convicted sex offenders could have lived, was unable to be purchased by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services because the home was no longer on the market.

Jonathan Miller

The Dodge County Sheriff's Office learned of this information on Monday, March 21st -- via a letter received from the office of Dodge County Circuit Judge Brian Pfitzinger, sent by Department of Health Services officials.

The home on Neuberger Road was the possible placement location for Jonathan Miller and Robert Larson -- two convicted sex offenders who had to be moved from a home in Brownsville following their release from the Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Facility because of the home's close proximity to a home where two young twins lived.

DHS officials will now continue to search for viable housing for Miller and Larson.

Miller had a court hearing scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, March 22nd in Dodge County Circuit Court regarding his potential housing. That court hearing was scheduled to occur regardless of the fact that the home on Neuberger Road is no longer available.

During that hearing, another hearing was scheduled for May 6th.

Robert Larson Jr.

DHS officials said a similar letter will be sent to Dodge County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Sciascia in the Larson case -- advising that the home on Neuberger Road is no longer available for Larson's placement.

Larson has a hearing scheduled for March 28th.

Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt previously said he is "strongly opposed" to the proposed placement of Larson and Miller on Neuberger Road due to the fact that according to Schmidt, it was found that there are a number of homes that fall between 1,500 and 2,000 feet from the Neuberger Road address. Fourteen children live in these homes, and there are eight additional children who visit these homes on a regular basis. Thirteen children attend school at one of the homes Monday through Friday. One of the homes serves as a summer daycare.

Sheriff Schmidt said in a statement: “I am strongly opposed to placement at this location for a number of reasons. I strongly oppose this being approved as it is not a suitable location for housing these subjects."

Miller and Larson were sent back to the Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Facility after their removal from the home in Brownsville in 2015.