"Northern Lights" training at Volk Field: Pilots must solve challenges during 'mock war'
Northern Lights training at Volk Field: Pilots must solve challenges during mock war
Northern Lights training at Volk Field: Pilots must solve challenges during mock war
CAMP DOUGLAS -- A unique new training program is bringing some of America's top military pilots to Wisconsin.
A two-week exercise called "Northern Lights" training is taking place at Volk Field near Camp Douglas.
The training is set up like a mock war, where technology is used to give pilots multiple challenges that they must solve quickly.
While pilots say the training can be intense, they say it is necessary to be prepared on the battlefield.
"It's kind of like wrestling an alligator or something, I don't think that's very fun when you're doing it, but once you get done, it's kind of like, wow, that was incredible, What a dynamic thing we get to do," Lt. Col. Bart Van Roo/176 Fighter Squadrant commander said.

Volk Field