"Not uncommon:" Chief Flynn speaks out after horrifying sidewalk shooting caught on camera; 1 killed

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn on Tuesday, September 19th spoke out about a sidewalk shooting caught on camera near 23rd and State early Sunday, September 17th. A 36-year-old man lost his life as a result -- and the video is horrifying.

In the surveillance video, a suspect is seen unloading a long gun that looks like an assault rifle from a vehicle, and firing numerous shots rapidly. Bullets can be seen in the video sparking as they hit the sidewalk. At least one struck and killed Lanell Taylor.

"Obviously it's concerning. It's just an example of the kind of weaponry our officers are confronting almost nightly right now and we've got an extremely heavily armed criminal population in Milwaukee and they have no reluctance to use those weapons," Chief Flynn said.

Police said they're looking for a known suspect in this case.

23rd and State

23rd and State

23rd and State

Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn

"We are definitely making progress is all I can tell you right now. I think we're actually making a lot of progress in a number of shootings or homicides from last weekend so fortunately I think we'll be able to bring some people to justice, but that doesn't mean we're going to stop seeing this weaponry," Chief Flynn said.

Flynn said the police department's ShotSpotter technology works to alert police to the gunfire and direct them to the scene, but once they arrive, the weapons used can be as alarming as what was caught on camera early Sunday.

"It's not uncommon. We see about 100 or so long guns a year out of the 3,000 or so that we take from criminals. It's not uncommon. We frequently find assault weapons, ammunition, the shell casings that are connected to assault rifles," Chief Flynn said.

23rd and State

Police said this altercation happened outside a bar, and the man killed was a frequent patron, bar officials said.

Organization Milwaukee Police-department